Aug 2, 2022
The Impact of IA-CEPA on Businesses in Indonesia and Australia
Katalis is undertaking a long-term study to monitor the successes and challenges of businesses engaged in trade and investment between Indonesia and Australia. This study aims to track around 40 businesses in 10 priority sectors that can take advantage of the benefits of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (AI-CEPA). IA-CEPA came into force on 5th July 2020.
AsiaLink Business has been engaged by Katalis to set up the study. Currently we are seeking out Australian and Indonesian businesses who have an established and ongoing commercial link to the other market, as well as those that may not yet have an established link but are strongly considering doing so.
A gender, disability and social inclusion lens will also be applied to the study to understand the extent to which gender plays a role in the success of trade and investment, and how bilateral trade can create a more inclusive economy. To this end we will include a range of women-led businesses to fully appreciate the challenges they may face.
The study will involve interviews and short surveys with each of the businesses every six months from July 2022 until September 2025 to understand how they may have benefited from IA-CEPA and any challenges they have faced. Success stories will be promoted on our website and challenges will be discussed with the Australian and Indonesian governments to evaluate ways of improving the ease of doing business between the two countries.
Participating businesses will have the opportunity to promote their successes through the program or convey their business concerns to the Indonesian and Australian Governments. They will also be able to deepen networks in both markets with opportunities provided to network and engage with other like-minded Australian and Indonesia business leaders.
Spots for participation are limited but if you would like to participate in this study and promote your business through Katalis please contact David Goodwins –